How to Renew or Create your Member password
1. From the BCCT Home Page click on the Log In button top-right:
2. In the Popup window, click on Forgot or Change Password:
3. In the next screen enter your UserName and click SEND:
(Note: Your UserName is your Membership Number when you first set your password, for example 12345. Once you have set a password and are able to LogIn to the website, you can change your UserName to a more user-friendly name in Update Profile. If you can't remember your Membership Number, click Forgot User Name? enter your email address, click SEND and your UserName will be emailed to you.)
4. The following message will appear on the Home Page:
5. Go to your email and open the email with the following Subject line:
6. In that email, click on the link, example shown below:
7. The link will take you back to the website home page, enter your UserName and click Next:
8: Enter your New Password and the same again in Confirm Password, click Next:
9. The following message will appear confirming your password has been changed:
10. Click the Log In button on the top right of the home page:
11. In the popup window, enter your UserName, Password and check the Remember Me option and click Login: