Tom Sorensen | NPAworldwide

The truth about cheap recruitment fees




The lesson is, if you haven’t seen any resume from your contingency recruiter within the first week, start to be concerned. 


The chance of ever getting a resume has dropped to almost zero. 


A contingency recruiter (person) typically handles 10, 20, or more jobs at a time. 

If they don’t get a match within days, they move on to the next assignment and client.


It’s like playing the lottery

You can compare a recruitment agency’s work to playing the lottery. 


Recruitment agencies are not paid if their client does not hire their candidate. 


Many agencies struggle to turn a profit because a large portion of their work yields no fee income.


So, what is the brutal truth?


Business model of recruitment agencies

The business model is not geared to spend weeks or months on your job search. 

Cheap recruitment fees might seem attractive at first glance, but they often come with hidden costs. 


What is the consequence when a search turns out no qualified candidate?

The approach by Tom Sorensen | NPAworldwide

Tom Sorensen has worked in executive search in Thailand since 2003 and is recognized as one of the country’s top recruiters and most profiled headhunters.

This is headhunting in its true form, 24/7 focus on retained executive search. 

The complimentary benefits are unheard of in the market and include psychometric and cognitive assessment, background investigations, and extended replacement policy. 

Is it not time that you talk to us?


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