Tom Sorensen | NPAworldwide
Why do you want to leave your current job?
The over-smart recruiter or inexperienced hiring manager may ask you this question next time you attend a job interview.
The question: Why do you want to leave your current job?
Hat’s off to you and my respect, if you have the guts to answer: “To be honest, I am not sure I want to leave”.
Look, if a headhunter or recruiter got you to talk to their client about a job, and you agreed to meet, you've got every right to say you're not sure about leaving your current gig.
It doesn't matter if they sweet-talked you or pushed you into it.
You're not obligated to jump ship just because you had a chat.
If you're having second thoughts, speak up. It's that simple.
If you are in HR, the hiring manager, or an interviewer, read on to learn what you really should ask instead.
If the interviewer asks: How did the recruitment company find you?
If you are asked about where the recruiter found you, it is important to only say the following. Read more…
I hate this question: Where do you see yourself in five years?
It's nearly as idiotic as the overused questions about your strengths and weaknesses, whether you'll stay sober at the New Year's bash, or what leadership qualities are required to roast a chicken.
I still can’t get my head around why someone would not tell the recruiter this: Read more…
I mean, is it only me that believes a hiring company would hesitate to invest in someone who at any time soon will resign and start their own business? Oh well!
Hiring Managers! Here is a better question
If you as the hiring manager got the candidate through an executive search firm, a recruitment company, or your own HR department, you can ask: Read more…
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