Tom Sorensen | NPAworldwide

3 tips: Keywords in Resume and LinkedIn is everything


Will you ever be found by recruiters and hiring companies in a pool of 875 million LinkedIn members or in HRIS/ATS systems with even more people?

Well, you better hope they find you to have any chance of becoming a potential candidate for a new job opportunity.


But what are keywords actually?

Keywords are just words or phrases that are used by recruiters to find people on the internet and in resume databases that have these particular keywords.

Keywords are typically hard skills and not soft skills.

If you have the keywords in your profile, which recruiters were looking for, your profile will come up in the search result. You are one step closer to getting a call or email.

You may be the next Einstein but without the keywords in your profiles that recruiters are looking for, oh well, the world will never know of your existence and brilliance.

Think about your own searches in Google. You write your keyword or sentence in the search bar and expect Google to find you the relevant websites. That is how recruiters search in LinkedIn and ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems).


How do you find keywords? - read here

Analyze Job Descriptions - read here

Introducing the Word Cloud - read here


Read the full story from the beginning