Special thanks ...
Special thanks go to Nigel Overy, Dacre Raikes, Alistair Greenlees and Carsten Dencker Nielsen for their input into the compilation of this history and to Inchcape for the Borneo Company pictures. Gratitude is also expressed to all of the past Chairmen and Committee members who offered their thoughts and memories of their association with the Chamber.
Phyl, her staff and I shared the laughter and agonies of our amateur efforts to try to computerise the Chamber's administration and I still blush to think of the bravado and ignorance with which we set about the task. - Nigel Overy
At my first Committee meeting when the renewal of the Chamber vehicle was raised, [then Chairman] Des Tarrant dutifully proposed the expenditure but I, being new and cost conscious, queried the need for a car. "Couldn't a motorbike suffice?" I asked. You can imagine the look of frosty disdain from the Executive Director, whose mode of transport it turned out we were discussing! Not a great way to build rapport with the Chamber's kingpin - Tony Rogers
The fact that the British Chamber of Commerce in Bangkok is celebrating its 50th birthday confirms and endorses the belief of all member companies that the Chamber adds value to their businesses. I am proud to have been associated with it. - Sir Michael Perry
I used to occupy that special chair on the left hand side of the table - the Chairman sat at the head of the table, so this left seat was the nearest I could get to the Chair as I was not British, and I was once introduced to the Duke of Edinburgh as "That British Dane". - Carsten Dencker Nielsen
My memories of the Chamber are those of a dedicated staff doing an excellent job despite the Committee. - Tony Rogers
Great progress has been made since those early days [the late'40s] with a membership of more than three hundred and an executive of its own with its own office. How things have changed in the last fifty years! - Peter Heath
I have to thank the Chamber, not only for the confidence, support and cooperation extended to me during my nine years tenure, but also for about 100 cups of tea and 250 whisky/waters. - Carsten Dencker Nielsen