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  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 24-Nov-2013
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 24-Nov-2012
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 26-Nov-2011
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 27-Nov-2010
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 28-Nov-2009
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 29-Nov-2008
  Photos - Ploenchit Fair 01-Dec-2007

HELPING THE NEEDY www.bctfn.com

Click these links to download information on Helping the Needy: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010. 2011. 2012.

BCCT’s charity activity is largely concentrated on support for the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN), organizers of the Annual Ploenchit Fair. However, since 2005 BCCT has been able to access more funds from charity auctions at social and sporting functions. Donations focus largely (but not exclusively) on children and/or education.


Charity activities by members of the British Community in Thailand began at the British Club in 1941 when monthly activities including morning markets selling home-made cakes and other items run by the British ladies together with the production of several plays were organized.

The British efforts were combined with the YWCA in 1951 when they held their fi rst International Bazaar, but in 1957 the British community, BCCT and the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN) led by the wife of the Ambassador realized the potential for an annual charity Fair and the need for a dedicated committee. The Ploenchit Fair was born.

A committee was formed from a cross-section of the community, UKCTC, and charged with the objectives of maximizing the support from the British community for Thai charities, to ensure funds were properly disbursed and spent and to unite the promote British companies’ charitable donations, giving them a forum to handle requests received throughout the year.

This first committee, UKCTC, obtained Foundation status from the Ministry of Interior in 1999 under the name British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN) and today continues the organization of the Ploenchit Fair. The members are entirely voluntary and, with the experience they have gained over the years, enables them to understand and administer to the needs of the recipient charities, advise them where necessary and monitor the work they are and have been doing over the decades on an ongoing permanent basis.

In recent years, priority has been given to self-help projects that benefit and enable a community to become self-sustaining. Assistance has also been given in the provision of basic necessities and equipment to improve healthcare, nutrition, education, agricultural projects and the disabled throughout Thailand.

Ploenchit Fair

Today, the Fair has grown immeasurably and is arguably the biggest event on the British Calendar and is known and admired throughout South East Asia. It has proved a very successful and enjoyable way to raise funds whilst promoting British interests in Thailand.

In 2010, the Prime Minister, H.E. Abhisit Vejjajiva kindly consented to open the Ploenchit Fair, held this year at Shrewsbury International School, and along with BCTFN Patron, the British Ambassador, H.E. Quentin Quayle was taken around and introduced to all areas and volunteers at the Fair by the BCTFN President. Khun Abhisit admitted to being no stranger to Ploenchit Fair and BCTFN’s work with Thai charities.

Visitors from all nationalities attended Ploenchit Fair. This would not be possible without the help and assistance of all sponsors, who donated their time, money and goods to help raise this amount, BCCT members in particular. BCCT again organized the Grand Raffl e on our behalf with record funds in excess of 2.4 million baht.

BCTFN would like to extend their thanks all sponsors and visitors which will enable them to continue to support projects for Thai Charities throughout Thailand in 2011.

After another successful Ploenchit Fair in November 2010, funds for the Foundation to continue its assistance to projects throughout Thailand have been replenished and BCTFN will donate some 5 million baht to Thai charities this year. In 2010 projects include:

St. Joseph’s Home, Betong – THB 350,000

Continued yearly allowance for food, medicines and running costs for this old people’s home (many deaf, blind and bedridden) and orphanage close to the Malaysian border.

Father Ray Foundation, Pattaya – THB 471,000

Funds were donated to furnish a house in the new children’s village project to enable children to live together in a home with a housemother. Funding was also given to build a medical clinic on site in the village.

Baan Unrak – Sangklarburi – THB 257,500

Together with Standard Chartered Bank, we donated 17 computers and all the necessary equipment for a new computer room at this Children’s Home and school. In addition funds provided to build a Recreation Centre at the Home.

Rural Area Medical Aid Society (RAMA) - THB 157,800

Continued support was given for payment of drugs and medical equipment used in monthly trips by volunteer doctors, dentists and nurses to remote villages. Usually 500-600 patients benefit each trip.

Where there is no Doctor Organisation – THB 150,000

Further funds for 7 villages to support the project of building water systems and toilets in the remote area north of Chiang Rai. It has been established that 70% of all diseases are caused by poor sanitation and these schemes have had a dramatic effect in improving the lives of those in the villages.

Sisters of Good Shepherd – Nongkhai - THB 439,000

The supply of furnishings for the new accommodation block, medical equipment for the care facility and equipment for the Nurse’s station and laundry at the Garden of Friendship Centre for the disadvantaged and families infected by HIV/AIDs. The Friendship Centre also provides training schemes, farms vegetables, fruit, fish and rice for the community and has its own medical centre.

Foundation to Encourage the Potential of Disabled Persons, Chiang Mai – THB 180,000

Funding provided for a physiotherapist to visit two disabled centres in Chiang Mai, treat patients in remote villages and train Foundation staff in remedial massage.

Christchurch – Bangkok – THB 100,000

Allowance of funds to support the Discretionary fund for impoverished Thai families who appeal to the Church for assistance.

Camillian Centre – Lat Krabang – THB 442,000

Funds to support two projects, renovations of the kitchen and supply of additional physical therapy equipment to this Centre that cares for orphaned children that are disabled or suff ering from HIV/AIDs. A car lift for wheelchairs was also funded.

Siam Care – Mukdahan – THB 119,000

Funds provided for the construction of a new toilet block and a multifunctional training hall for this organisation that supports mothers and babies and young adults infl icted with HIV/AIDS as well as an awareness programme both in Mukdahan and Bangkok.

Hope Home - Chiang Mai - THB 100,000

Assistance given for the provision of respite care, a day care centre and physiopherist services for this Home for cerebral palsy and disabled children. Families in the community attend Hope Home which also provides an outreach service.

Student’s Education Trust Foundation, Nakorn Sawan – THB 440,000

Funds provided for sponsored university students to assist outlying villages. Renovation project at Wat Klongtham School plus 100 classroom packs for children. Renovation project of Moo Bahn Tuptimsayam, Sisaket. Renovation project at Sirirajpattana School, Phitsanulok. Visits by students to an old peoples’residence and school for handicapped children. Day trip to Nakhon Rachasima for children at Saengsawan Orphanage.

Karen Hill Tribes Trust – THB 260,000

Funding provided for 1,000 family size mosquito nets to be distributed to various villages with families with children and elderly to help with the prevention of malaria and dengue fever which has become a serious risk.

Croston House, Chiang Mai – THB 129,000

Building costs of a kitchen and dining room, plus six months’ rent for this under-priviledged Childrens’ Home housing 40 children.

Project Life – Cambodian Border – THB 135,000

Funding for a collective village vegetable-growing self-supporting project for the village women, Klong Sai Village.

Rejoice – Chiang Mai – THB 120,000

Year’s allowance for palliative medicines and formula milk powder for this HIV/AIDs outreach programme and care centre.

Sisters of Good Shepherd – Bangkok – THB 600,000

Costs of a year’s purchases of materials, sewing and embroidery threads for this self-help centre for in Din Daeng which off ers battered, abandoned and under-privileged women a means of earning their living. The Centre also provides training for young village girls and cr?che facilities and schooling.

Wildflower Home, Chiang Mai – THB 157,000

Costs of a water/filtration system for independent supply for this Home for mothers and babies.

The above charities will, no doubt, forward projects for 2011. Reserve funds are also available for any new projects forwarded to this Committee. For more information on funding and an application form, please contact BCTFN at:

591/17 Sukhumvit (Soi Villa), Klongtan Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110

Tel: 02 204 1487

Fax: 02 204 1589


President, Carolyn Tarrant MBE


Vice President, Greg Watkins


2. Teacher Plus Foundation (TPF) – THB 100,000

TPF is a charity that seeks to improve the Thai education system by upgrading the quality of teachers in rural areas. In its four years of operation, TPF has arranged schoolbased workshops in modern teaching skills in various rural areas of Thailand. Teachers, students and parents at these schools have seen positive results.

3. Good Shepherd Foundation – Care for Kids Pattaya – THB 50,000

As a Gold Sponsor of the 2010 Care for Kids Charity Drive, BCCT helped to contribute to a total of THB 6.14 million. This has been used to improve the lives of underprivileged children in the Eastern Seaboard.

4. Royal British Legion, Chonburi – THB 25,000

– ‘Lest we forget’

The Royal British Legion Chonburi Branch was formed on 1st July 2007. The organisation is based at Tropical Bert’s in Pattaya. Members meet every Sunday afternoon to swing the lamp and promote the Legion. All money raised is used for those in need in Thailand.

On behalf of the European Young Professionals (EYP) BCCT donated surplus funds to the Father Ray Foundation from EYP events.