Directory - Companies, Detail

Datasafe Ltd.

Datasafe Ltd.
Address: 99 Moo11, Suwintawong Road,
Khlong Nakhon Nueang Khet,
City: Chachoengsao
Post Code: 24000
Country: Thailand
Phone Number: +66 2710-4050
Fax Number: +66 2710-4055
General Email: [members only]
Business Activity: Document Storage (1)
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In 1991, DataSafe was established with the objective of providing the best document storage service to our clients. We are the first business service management and document storage solutions in Thailand. As a storage service provider with over 30 years experience, Datasafe is a professional company that really understands the requirements of clients. Our clients typically are major banking, financial institutions, airlines, hotels, hospitals, communication business as well as government agencies.To facilitate your business, Datasafe offers a wide array of efficient document storage services. Datasafe has warehouses country-wide to provide quick service, 4 branches are Suwinthawong (Chachoengsao) our head office, Laemchabang (Chonburi), Chiangmai and Cambodia.

Our head office at Suwinthawong, Chachoengsao is a warehouse with a storage capacity for over 2,000,000 standard cartons and controlled by robotic system, one stand-alone environment-controlled vault room for storing important documents and electronic media that must be maintained and protected. Our latest sophisticated security system is prepared for both active and inactive documents, records and also magnetic tape and media storage.Security measures include 24-hour manned guard posts and an infra-red detection system.Administrative control is based on computer and barcode systemisation. Datasafe Ltd. has affiliate membership in the worldwide Professional Records & Information Services Management (PRISM) and ISO 9001:2015.
Products or Services
All documentary services such as document storage service, record management, imaging and scanning services, indexing and cataloguing services, destruction service, magnetic tape and media storage and onsite documentary system services.
SCGJWD Logistics Pcl., Ltd.
Companies Represented
Ms. Wiriyaphan Phansa, Marketing and business development officer
Senior Management
Mr. Sathit Singtoroj, General manager
Board of Directors
Mr. Charvanin Bunditkitsada
Dr. Eakkapong Tungsrisanguan
Ms. Orawan Voranij
Financial Details
Capital Investment Bht. 75M.
BCCT Member Company since 1990


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