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BCCT Webinar #37 - Economic Impact of the Coronavirus in South East Asia

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Date & Time: Tue 01-Sep-2020 15:00  
Location: via Zoom
Duration: - not set
Member Cost: THB 0.00
Non-member Cost: THB 500.00

The British Chamber of Commerce in Thailand in close co-operation with the British Chambers in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, and HSBC, would like to invite you to join this webinar on the “Economic Impact of the Coronavirus in South East Asia” on Tuesday 1st September. Our special guest speaker is Joseph Incalcaterra, Chief Economist for ASEAN, HSBC Hong Kong.

Date: Tuesday 1st September 2020

Time: 3.00 - 3.30 pm presentation followed by Q&A

Cost: free of charge for members of participating organisations only. THB 500 per person for non-members. No external media please.

The webinar link will be sent to you direct one day in advance before the event date.

Speaker: Joseph Incalcaterra, Chief Economist for ASEAN, HSBC Hong Kong

Joseph Incalcaterra is the chief economist for ASEAN, based in Hong Kong. He previously covered pan-Asia economics, including country coverage of Korea. Prior to moving to Hong Kong, Joseph worked as an analyst in LatAm credit strategy research in New York. Before HSBC, he gained experience in fixed income origination and as an international trade analyst focusing on China. Joseph speaks six languages, including Mandarin. He holds a bachelor of science degree (cum laude) in international economics from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. Joseph is a CFA charterholder.



This is a BCCT Partner Event. If you are not a Member of BCCT but you are a Member of one of our Partner Organizations,

either the British Chamber in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, or HSBC you may book a place at the Member Cost.

When completing the Booking Form, please ensure your Name and Email address are correctly entered and state which Organization you are a member of in the 'Additional Information' box to enable us to confirm your details with our Partner Organizations.

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