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European Chambers Coporate Golf Challenge

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Date & Time: Fri 30-Mar-2012 11:30  
Location: at Bangsai Country Club
Duration: - not set
Member Cost: THB 2,500.00
Non-member Cost: THB 2,500.00

Rbi Premium - www.rbipremium.com


The Masters - House of Golf - www.plp.co.th

PowerPlay Golf - www.asiangolfevents.com/powerplay-golf

Property Care Services (Thailand) Ltd - www.pcs.co.th

Mazars (Thailand) Ltd - www.mazars.co.th

Welcome to the Rbi Premium European Chambers Corporate Challenge to take place on Friday 30th March at 11.30 am (designated tee time) at Bangsai Country Club. Location map:- http://www.print.bangsaicountryclub.com/bangsaiccmap.png

The following chambers are participating:- Belu-Thai, British, EABC, Thai-Finnish, Franco-Thai, German, Irish-Thai, Italian, Netherlands-Thai, Norwegian-Thai and Swiss-Thai

Member companies or organisations from each of the participating chambers are invited to enter pairs (ie teams of 2 players). Companies can enter more than one team (eg HSBC1 and HSBC2). Each team is asked to nominate its allegiance to one of the chambers. We then have a ‘Corporate Pairs Challenge’ in addition to a ‘Chambers Challenge’, minimum 6 players from each chamber.

We are pleased to invite you to sponsor this event. There are two remaining sponsorship levels available. As one of the tournament sponsors, your company will receive recognition prior to and throughout the entire tournament as described below.

Any company that would like to donate corporate gifts of a golfing nature (eg golf umbrellas, balls and so on) but does not wish to sponsor in the form of cash will receive verbal recognition by the event MC at the dinner.

Please email - greg@bccthai.com - as soon as possible if your company would like to sponsor the European Chambers Corporate Golf Challenge. Sponsorship will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

BRONZE (IE 'HOLE') - THB 10,000 (plus VAT) per hole - 14 MAX
- complimentary sponsorship of one hole (company name/logo on tee sign- logos or signage to be supplied by the sponsor)
- company name on all e-mail circulars to chambers' members including reminders


10:00 Registration Opens
11:30 First tee time
18:30 Dinner and prize-giving

A putting competition will be held before or after a player's round.


Each chamber is represented by a minimum of 6 players, playing for Corporate teams. Players will sign up to play in pairs and will be mixed with another pair from another chamber, ie: 2 NTCC players with 2 ITCC players.


- Modified Stableford System
- Top 4 Stableford Scores added up to make winning total
- Net bogie = 1, Net Par = 2, Net Birdie = 3, Net Eagle = 4
- Players may score a MAXIMUM 42 points
- In the event of a draw, the 4 scores with the lowest combined handicap wins technical prizes on all 18 holes


Gentlemen: 24 Ladies: 36


Gentlemen: White Ladies: Red

In order to provide tee times and arrange pairing ahed of time, please confirm your booking by close of business day Friday 23rd March 2012


Chamber Represented: ________________________

Company Represented:________________________

Team Name: ________________________________

Player1 Player 2

Name: _____________ __________________

Handicap: _____________ __________________



If you wish to register for others at the same time, please provide the same information for each of them as well.

Fee & Booking:

The registration fee for each person is THB 2,500 net and in addition to the networking and golfing, it covers:-

- Green fee
- Caddy fee
- Buffet dinner
- Numerous prizes
- Chances to win prizes provided by our hole sponsors

Special note:

When making booking, please state your name, handicap, email address and moible phone. If you wish to register for others at the same time, please provide the same information for each of them as well.

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